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Europe's problem has become world's problem

G20 is a group of 20 countries for addressing world's problems. Many of these countries of G20 group are developing countries. 

G7 is a group of 7 countries that address world's problems. All these countries of G7 group are developed countries. 

Several other intergovernmental forums at international & regional levels are also working to address different international & regional problems. Few of them are; 

- QUAD (America, Australia, Japan & India). 

- SCO (Shanghai Corporation Organisation). 

- BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). 

- Commonwealth countries. 

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Many countries of one group belongs to another group. For example; G7 countries are also members of G20. 

This makes, unfortunately, overlapping of problems discussed in one group with another group.

2022 summit of G20 group was celebrated in Bali & chaired by Indonesia.  

India recieved presidency of G20 group in Bali summit to organize in 2023 the G20 summit in India. 

After a summit of Finance Ministers of G20 countries in Bengaluru, India has organized two days summit of foreign ministers of G20 countries in 1-2 march, 2023. This summit is attended by representatives of 40 countries and multiple international organizations, including the foreign ministers of China, the US and Russia. This is a largest G20 foreign ministers' gathering in history of G20 meetings.

After meeting of Finance Ministers, the participating G20 countries did not reach a consensus to release a declaration of summit. Russia & China opposed to include Western countries supported paragraphs in the draft of declaration stating that Russia is the main reason of Ucrain invasion, & Russia & Ucrain war. It is somehow to justify Russia as an offender of world's problems which other countries including European countries are suffering due to high price, blocked supply chains, food & energy security. 

No declaration is released after G20 summit of Foreign Ministers due to same reason. Russia & China opposed to texts written in the draft of declaration.  

India is constantly abstent in UN votings on USA & its allies, specially European union, supported agendas to ban Russia internationally. There is a fight on to demonstrate who is dominant over international politics as it seems. 

USA & European union want to expand NATO coverage area & Russians want to stop this expansion. 

Ucrain becomes a battle ground for them.

Both parties of Ucrain & Russia war which started in Feb 2022 are trying their best to bring India in its side because India follows a non alliance policy from Nehru's era.


 India believes in multipolar power distribution in international politics, not in bipolar politics which is currently in hands of USA & Russia.

That's why India is buying oils from Russia & sidewise it is supplying medicines etc to Ucrain for Ucranians population. 

USA, Germany, France, Italy & many other main countries of European politics are constantly attempting to how to make pressures on India so that India can stop buying oil from Russia or somehow they are able to show India is in their favour such as through declaration of G20 summit. 

Foreign print & television media of news are constantly raising several questions on India. Last year, in 2022, in European meetings, they have asked several questions to External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, mainly were to clarify that India's side on the issue of Ucrain & Russia war, specially they questioned on the purchase of oil from Russia. To clarify India's position in Ucrain Russia war, last year, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar had stated a statement in an interview with a popular Western news channel. 

"Somewhere Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe’s problems are the world’s problems but the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems. That if it is you, it’s yours, if it is me it is ours. I see reflections of that,” he said.

This statement of the External Affairs Minister of India S Jaishankar turns into a very popular statement of debate in social media, news channels & international politics. 

Few main European leaders, for example, German Chancellor, made a statement in favour that European union has to thoroughly think on "Europe’s problems are the world’s problems but the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems" before he started his official visit to India. 

Italian young Prime Minister also did a two days visit to India as a chief guest and keynote speaker at the 8th Raisina Dialogue organized in Delhi. She praised Indian Primer Minister Narendra Modi for his role in International politics & urged India to play a central role for ending Russia Ucrain war. 

Surprisingly, Italian Prime Minister responded to India Foreign Affairs Minister S Jaishankar's statement in Europe ""Europe’s problems are the world’s problems but the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems".

"Unfortunately Europe's problem has become today world's problem," she said in Raisina Dialogue in India

Attack & counterattack through verbal statements, anyone can accept without any problem but a war in which peoples of both sides are dying are not acceptable in any case. 

US, European union, India, China, Russia & Ucrain, and all engaged parties must have to block jointly first to those reasons due to which peoples are dying, without offendening any party involved in Russia Ucrain war. 


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