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Bald therefore rejected from marriage

We read several articles published on this issue on the internet. 

One article was very interesting but with sad news that a techi intelligent guy ended his life due to this reason. 

Another was a bride cancels her marriage at the last moment on marriage day when she finds her husband-to-be is a bald man. Her parents & parents of the groom suggested she change her opinion but she did not change & her groom returned home without marriage. In many cases, the rejected groom married another girl in the same marriage ceremony. 

A boy in his marriage age has been rejected more than 100 times because he was having severe hair loss problems & probably he will become bald soon. 

A bride rejected a groom from marriage considering that the groom would become bald in future because the father & brothers of the groom are bald. 

Baldness appears due to many factors. Two of the most important factors are genetic structure & stress. 

Genes are transferred from parents to kids, & that's why we have few characteristics of our parents. Our looks, face structure (nose, head frontal area, ears, lips, chin, chicks), body colour, hairs & many other characteristics are partially similar  either to our mother or father. People normally say that a person is a son or daughter of that person because similarities between next generations & their parents are easily recognizable. 

Sometimes, similarities with grandparents also appear. 

Stress is also an important factor because it generates hormonal imbalance in the body, thus, it can ignite the hair loss mechanisms. 

Unstressfull lifestyle is very important but most people live stressed in their adult age, therefore, hair loss starts to appear after the 40s. At a young age, very few become bald. 

We know people whose father & brothers are not bald but the guy becomes bald at his young age. It is a clear example of a stressful lifestyle that has an impact on hairs. Genes also play a big role in baldness, of course.

The bride rejected the groom because she considered that the genes  of the parents would provoke hair loss of the groom someday & the groom finally became bald. 

There are many published news & articles, & stories told by people of different societies. But the reality is that all these incidents happen depending on territory or a social structure with which both, bride & groom, belong. All the above incidents happened in India as we read in newspapers. 

Asian countries are more traditional in this respect. In our country what is the situation? You can ✍️ write in the comment section or you can send us by email & we will publish it with this article. 

Now, if you move towards the west, in Western countries, girls don't mind whether their husbands have hairs on their heads or not. Some of them informed us they trim hairs of their husbands, & few of them shaved hairs of their husbands completely because they prefer to have a husband clean from hairs, thus they will look more smarter, attractive & younger. 

Who doesn't want to have a husband who always looks very smart, attractive & young? 😂 Do you?

Also western society does not mind whom you choose to marry. In western world 🌎🌍 society does less interference in your business of living life. Individualism is dominant over socialism. Every of your acts is decided by you and for your own life, & that is without considering what your society will say about your act. You are happy, that's enough. 

Thus baldness is not a reason for rejection of you from marriage in western world 🌎🌍. Are you compatible with your partner or not and that is the main reason, and that's why pairs spend many months or years in a live-in relationship before taking a final decision of marrying with a live-in partner. 

Head without hairs, nevertheless, it is now a fashion style. 

Many kids & young guys shave their hairs on the sides of their heads keeping small or big hairs at the center of their heads. Even a few girls apply this fashion on their heads to give a different look & show the adaption of the modern style. 

Not only in western world 🌍, this fashion is popular in every continent, even we find it in many traditional countries including India. 

In India, it is famous that a bald person is always a rich person. Bald people are lucky in earnings whether it is money or property or business. 

But unfortunately it is an acceptable & real fact that they face more challenges in finding a partner to get married than others who are not bald. 

It is very similar as a girl & her parents give preference in selection to those grooms who have government jobs, even the groom is working in a position of a peon. 

A government job holder groom is always on top of everything including the girl will avoid his baldness & accept to marry & become bride. 

Parents avoid choosing a bald person considering what their society or invited relatives of the family say when they see a bald groom in a marriage ceremony. This can hurt the prestige of the family in society. The ego, reputation and prestige of the family is more important than anything else. 

Many guys suffering from hair loss don't care about losing their hair. But they lose their self-esteem & self-confidence when they become bald & several girls reject them for dating or marriage. Many of them start to suffer with anxiety &, at last, enter a stage of depression which is worse for health. 

You can question the above statement but you are now in your 40s or 50s & loose hairs or become bald at this age. Maturity makes anyone more mentally strong to face comments & rejections. 

Is there any treatment for baldness? Several treatments are available in the market of clinical practice. You can find several clinics specialized for curing baldness. On the internet tons of such clinics and their offers of treatment are available. Maybe you can find one near-by to your house 🏠🏡

Turkey is a popular destination for treating baldness. The hair treatment clinics provide treatments at affordable prices, therefore, many people visit Turkey 🦃 only for hair loss treatment. In Western countries the hair loss treatments are very costly & in Asian countries the baldness treatments are much cheaper & affordable. 

Now the question is on whether you need or not need the hair loss treatments. This depends totally on personal decision. 

If you read thoroughly the terms & conditions of the hair loss treatments providers, you come to know that there is no guarantee of a stable recuperation of your hairs as you have them naturally. You have to provide special care to your hairs grown on treatments. In the case of natural hair, we normally don't care about our hair. 

Clinics use different treatments and procedures for hair loss. 

If the roots of the hairs are still alive inside of the tiny holes on the skin of head, a surgical or laser treatment to stimulate these roots to grow again into full hairs is sufficient to recover from baldness. 

A capillary inspection by a professional decides if the hair roots are alive or dead. If you are bald for a long time, then probability is very less that the hair roots are alive. Mostly hair roots are dead on bald heads. 

If the hair roots are dead, then the hairs of other parts of the body such as chest, thigh etc are removed with roots and these hairs are transplanted on the bald head. 

Sometimes the hair roots are only seeded inside capillaries of the skin of the head, then further treatments with drugs stimulate the growth of hairs from the transplanted hair roots. 

Pain, inflammation & infection are few challenges with hair transplants & need appropriate medicines 💊💉

Nevertheless, hair transplantation is not a permanent solution for baldness. Sooner or later you may again face hair loss problems.


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