Rambaar treatment for Cough 😷
From last more than 2 weeks I am facing severe cough problem.
I took liquid named PERIO.AID that contains Clorhexidina 0.12% + CPC 0.05% to clean my mouth and neck, but very little effect I found to stop the cough. My dentist provided me few months ago this liquid for stopping my teeth pain. But now I used it because one of my medical doctor friends asked me to look a liquid that contains above written components.
I used Cinfatós also that contains Dextrometorfano hidrobromuro. This 10 mg tablet is used to stop irritative cough that was my case. Unfortunately this also did not very effective in my case.
One of my friends recommended me:
- Take Gunguna Pani before doing brush & then after brush eat 4-5 lehshun
- Baked adrakh slice & keep under teeth
गुनगुना पानी सुबह उठने पर बिना ब्रश कि
लहसुन ब्रश करने के बाद
My brother suggested me
- One spoon of fresh juice of ginger, then mix it with one spoon of honey & take it each after few hours.
Another friend suggested me:
- antibiotic amoxicillin which I am taking nowadays 750 mg one tablet in morning
We have to always consult with out doctors before taking any medicine, specially antibiotics.
Home remedies we can take without any problem because they are natural products.
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