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Best Long-Term Mutual Funds

Securing our life, at least economically, is very important. 

Every one thinks about Economy of House, Health, Kids, Future etc. 

Few are engaged from early period, at the age of 30-35 years, in making a plan to secure life economically, but many do very late at the age of 50-55 years.

Of course, it depends each one's situation & available resources. 
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Pension on retirement from work is still available in many countries which provides enough tranquility from making a plan for future. 
But many countries now do not have pension scheme. 

People have to look their own the adequate ways of investment for future including investing in any pension plan. 

India has no pension plan for employees. 

I, like others, am also worried to make my future safe at least economically. 
This year I did consultation with a person who is involved in executing such task. 

This person calls himself as a "Financial Doctor". 
We know medical doctors are for health related issues. 

Good! So I consulted with a financial doctor on the issue of investment for securing my life for future economically. 

Hope! You have heard about Mutual Funds. You many know Bank Fixed Deposit (FD). 

What is difference between these Mutual Funds & Bank FD? 

In Mutual Funds, you invest your money in plans which is totally market based. 
We can say "Share Market". 

You invested money in Mutual Funds can increase or decrease depending upon ups and downs of the Market. 
There is a risk.

Nevertheless, depending on the plans, these financial doctors take decision to take out at a very right time your investment from the market when it is going down to avoid your loss. 

There is a risk in Mutual Funds but you will get better return. 

My financial doctor informed me that the return will be in the range of 10% to 25%. 

Only in an unfortunate case we will lose our investment of Mutual Funds. 

Bank FD provides you 5% to 8% interest on your money which you deposit in your bank for 1 to 5 years or more. 

There is no risk for you in Bank FD. 
Your money is secure but you receive less benefits. 

What does bank do with your FD money? 

Bank will invest in plans such as mutual funds and earns money.

Suppose, your bank invests your money in the market & earns 15% as a return benefit. 
Your FD is on 5% interest, so you will receive only 5% from this 15% earning which your bank will receive on investing your money in the market. 
Bank will keep 10% earnings. 

Invested money is yours but bank will keep 10% without investing any money from its own pocket. 
Very clever!!!!

I hope now you understand the difference between mutual funds & bank FD. 

I suggest you to invest first in Bank FD to be in safer side. 

Now, if you have some extra money, then it is recommended to look for mutual funds investment. 

Let's go to discover what I did this year. 
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I asked my financial doctor to look for plans in which I can invest 1000 to 10000 amounts each month. 
After 5 years I can receive same amounts as return benefits for whole life. I could say it is like a "Pension plan". 

My financial doctor comes with one 7 years plan which can provide me same amounts as returns from 8th year of investment for whole life. 
This will be amounts of 1000 and 10000 for whole life. 

If I invest only for 5 years, then it will be only 600 & 6000. 

Important is that my total invested money of 5 or 7 years will be as such which I can ask for anytime or after my death, my family members can receive it if any time it is decided to stop to receiving amount of 600 and 6000. 

May be we need any time a big amount of money to deal with any unfortunate situation. 
Who knows about future!!!!

I think investment in mutual funds, specially in such plans, are the best. 

If you are interested to invest in mutual funds, I can connect you with my financial doctor. 

Of course, I will take you as one of my friends and handle everything as I do with my own investment.  
Trust is a priceless gem than anything else, & that I will never prefer to loose.  

Now how you can contact me? Very easy!!! Write me an email. Or use facebook, linkedin, instagram, youtube or any other way to contact me.

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