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How to remove a plate stuck in bowl

How to remove a plate stuck in a bowl 

How to remove a plate stuck in a pot

These are the questions which we will discuss today and find the tricks to solve the problem. 

Millions of people work everyday in the kitchen for preparing delicious meals. Even I do at my home. 

Some of us prepare food at home because there is not any affordable alternative and many others prepare it because they like to prepare food. 

Nevertheless, whatever is the situation but everyone has prepared or will prepare food at home at least one time in the life. It is one of the essential funcions of living life. 

Good!! Now you are in kitchen. Do you know everything? 

OK. You are a good chef for your family, kids, or girlfriend. You know the properties of food ingradients. You know adjusting the ratio between food taste and quantity of each ingradient for preparing a tasty food. 

Suppose!!! You face an unexpected accident in the kitchen as I faced in my kitchen one day. For knowing the accident please watch the video. In this case what will you do?

I ate my dinner, then I left my plate in a pot. Next day I was unable to take out the plate from the pot for cleaning it because it stucked at the bottom of pot. 

Same accident happened sometimes for bowl. A plate stucked in the bowl and I was unable to remove it. 

How I succeed to remove it, I have explained in the video. Please watch it. 

I was having a key ring that can be hanged on wall by creating a vacuum between wall and key. Same trick of creating vacuum I used to remove the plate from the bowl or the pot. 

Other methods that I used but I failed in removing the plate from the bowl or the pot were:

1:- Immersing in liquid soap for few hours considering that it will lubricate the edge sufficiently, thus reduce the friction and the plate can be dragged out of the pot or bowl.

2:- Heating the bowl by putting the ice over the plate. Heat will extend the bowl metal but ice will block the plate metal from extending.

Do you know any other trick? You can write it in comment section. 

Enjoy watching video and hopefully this trick will solve your problem. 

To purchase such key ring or a new bowl, plate, pot etc you can visit "do smart shopping links" or visit purchase section of Latestfoto.com: https://www.latestfoto.com/p/sp.html?m=1 

To watch the mentioned video  https://youtu.be/i6dHaGjDH_c

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